1)暴涨的有效理论(Effective theory for inflation),我猜应该是与Weinberg近年来的工作有关;
2) 弯曲时空背景的量子场,特别是旋量场的构造,这与我们组里这学期的工作有关;
3) 暗物质与LHC。这部分内容完全是新闻式的。相关实验正在进行中。
1)暴涨的有效理论(Effective theory for inflation),我猜应该是与Weinberg近年来的工作有关;
2) 弯曲时空背景的量子场,特别是旋量场的构造,这与我们组里这学期的工作有关;
3) 暗物质与LHC。这部分内容完全是新闻式的。相关实验正在进行中。
让我稍稍进入细节:请考虑一个一维势阱V(x)=-a x^2+bx^4,它有两个坑:x=±x_0,对应于两个基态A和B。的确,当系统落在这两个态中的任意一个时,关于x轴的反射对称性消失了,对称性自发破缺;然而如果将基态取为A+B呢?我们立刻发现:对称性没有破缺!
Why high-spin particles are not seen yet?
derivations have been removed since it's not easy to input mathematical
equations here. To see the full text please download the PDF file
attached. Here is the LINK.)
Historically, the concept of spin was introduced by Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit in 1925, in order to explain somewhat weird result of the well-known Stern-Gerlach experiment. They hypothesized that, every electron has an intrinsic angular momentum of \hbar/2. At that time, however, the origin of this intrinsic angular momentum was not clear. Naturally, one might identify the spin of an electron as the rotation along the axis passing through its center. But this does not work, as posed by Lorentz, who showed that the linear velocity of the “surface” of an electron will exceed the speed of light, if such a viewpoint is taken. This is evidently forbidden by the theory of relativity.
The rigorous and systematical treatment of the theory of spin was first given by Wigner, who developed his theory in the frame of the quantum mechanics. As we know, the central idea of the quantum mechanics is the quantum state and the Hilbert space. If a particle can be represented by a state in the Hilbert space, then the symmetry that governs the motion of the particle will also acts on the Hilbert space. We know that symmetry can be described mathematically by a group, thus the action of the symmetry on the Hilbert space can be accordingly described by the representation of the group.
The crucial thing here is that the representation of a symmetry group on a physical Hilbert space must be a unitary (or anti-unitary) representation. This is the famous Wigner theorem. A direct consequence of this theorem on particles, is the fact that a massive particle with spin s has 2s+1 degrees of freedom, while a massless particle always has two degrees of freedom, which has nothing to do with its spin. In principle, the spins of both massive and massless particles can take any positive integer and half-integer value, including zero.
On the other hand, in quantum field theory, particles are created by field operators, which can be classified by their transformation properties under Lorentz transformations. The different classes of fields are known as scalar, vector, or tensor, etc. Of course, they are also the representations of the symmetry group of the space-time, but these representations are quite different from ones carried by states. Since the former is finite-dimensional and non-unitary, while the latter is infinite-dimensional and unitary. This fact leads to a problematic result: the degree of freedom (DOF) of the field will in general be different from the DOF of the state (or particle) created by that field. To fully understand this problem, we will introduce two interesting theorems. They are known as “no-go” theorems which mean the statement of the theorems are negative.
Weinberg-Witten Theorem
The Weinberg-Witten theorem mainly deals with the massless particles. The formal statements of the theorem are as follows:
Theorem 1: A theory that allows the construction of a Lorentz-covariant conserved four-vector current J^\mu cannot contain massless particles of spin j>1/2 with nonvanishing values of the conserved charge \int\di^3x J^0.
Theorem 2: A theory that allows the construction of a conserved Lorentz covariant energy-momentum tensor T^{\mu\nu} cannot contain massless particles of spin j>1.
The proof of the theorem is straightforward. The strategy is to consider the S-matrix elements of the conserved current.
(To see the details of the proof, please download the PDF file attached.)
Coleman-Mandula Theorem
The Weinberg-Witten theorem excludes the presence of charged massless particles with too large spin. However it says nothing on massive particles. Now we introduce the more powerful Coleman-Mandula theorem, which is also a no-go type theorem.
1) For any M there are only a finite number of particle types with mass less than M.
2) Any two-particle state undergoes some reaction at almost all energies.
3) The amplitude for elastic two-body scattering are analytic functions of the scattering angle at almost all energies and angles.
With these assumptions, the theorem claims that the only possible Lie algebra of symmetry generator consists of the generators of the Poincaré group, together with possible internal symmetry generators, which commute with the Poincaré generators.
A possible explanation of the absence of high-spin particles
With the Coleman-Mandula theorem in hand, let us go back to the problem of the spin. As has mentioned in Section 1, the degrees of freedom between the field and the corresponding state have a nontrivial mismatch when the state has the spin s≤1. For instance, A vector field, which has 4 DOFs, can create a state with spin 1, which has only 3 (or 2 in massless case) DOFs. Another example is the gravity: A metric field has 10 DOFs, while a graviton, as a massless particle, has only 2 polarizations.
We see that as the spin goes higher, the mismatch between fields and states becomes more serious. This result suggests that there exist redundant and unphysical DOFs in fields. To exclude these redundant DOFs, we should impose the gauge symmetry on the fields. Conventionally, these kinds of fields are called gauge fields. It explains why gauge symmetry is necessary.
As we have learned in classical electrodynamics, in a physical theory with gauge symmetry, the gauge field must couple to a conserved current to maintain the gauge invariance. Generally, we can write this coupling term in the Lagrangian as:
(Omitted derivations)
Now the Coleman-Mandula theorem works: The theorem claims that all the conserved charges, or generators of inner symmetries commute with Lorentz generators, hence these charges Q must be scalars and carry no Lorentz indices. Then the current corresponding to such a generator must be a vector J^\mu. so as the field coupled to the current. We conclude that inner symmetries can only offer couplings to a vector fields, which corresponds the spin 1 particle.
The remaining choice of the generators are Lorentz generators. For example, the momentum generator P^\mu, as a vector, produces a conserved current of rank-2 tensor T^{\mu\nu}, which is just the well-known energy-momentum tensor. This tensor couples to gravity, thus make an opportunity for us to detect the spin-2 gravitons. The last choice is angular momentum generator J^{\mu\nu}, which permits a coupling to a rank-3 tensor field, which I haven't heard about yet.
Now the list of symmetry generators is exhausted. We see that no elementary particles with spin higher than 3 can be detected, due to the lack of proper type of interactions.
(本文译自Scientific American 2009年12月号。原作者为Zeeya Merali。仅供学习交流。)
数十年来,物理学家为促成量子力学与万有引力的联姻而费尽心机。与此相反,自然界的其它相互作用力对量子力学则显得很顺从。例如,使用量子力学的方式,电磁力可以由光子的运动来描写。但是,如果你试图用量子化的引力子来描写物体间的万有引力,则会立刻遇到麻烦:因为你得到的任何答案都是无穷大。不过现在,伯克利的加州大学(University of California, Berkeley)的物理学家Petr Hořava认为,他理解了这个问题。这一切,他说,都只是时间问题。
自一月份Hořava提出这一理论之后,物理学家们就为之而兴奋。11月,他们在安大略省的滑铁卢周界理论物理研究所(Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario)集会进行讨论。物理学家们尤其注意检查这个理论是否能正确描写我们今天所见的宇宙。因为我们记得,爱因斯坦的广义相对论对水星运动的预言给了牛顿理论决定性的一击。
Hořava的引力能取得相同的成功吗?对此第一个尝试性的回答是肯定的。里斯本大学(University of Lisbon)的Francisico Lobo与合作者发现,该理论与行星运动在某处有很好的吻合。
还有人对Hořava引力给予更大胆的肯定,特别是将它用于解释宇宙之谜的时候。比如说,在大爆炸的奇点处,所有物理规律将失效。McGill大学的Robert Brandenberger在八月份发表于Physical Review D的一片文章中称,如果Hořava引力是对的,那么宇宙并不爆炸,而是进行“反弹”。他说:“一个充满物质的宇宙将会聚集到一个很小、但有限的尺度内,然后再反弹回去,这样就造成了我们今天看到的膨胀中的宇宙。”Brandenberger的计算表明,由这种反弹所致的结果与目前的卫星观测数据吻合。现在,他正在寻找反弹宇宙中有别于大爆炸宇宙的特征信号。
Hořava引力也许还能创造出“暗物质的幻象”,东京大学的宇宙学家向山信治(Shinji Mukohyama)说。在发表于九月份Physical Review D的文章中,他解释道,在某种确定的情形下,Hořava引力子在与通常的物质相互作用时将会产生某种涨落,它将导致引力比广义相对论的预期稍强一点。这一效应使星系显得比它看上去要携带更多的物质。如果这些还不够,韩国全北国立大学(Chonbuk National University)的宇宙学家Mu-In Park则相信,Hořava引力也许可以导致目前宇宙的加速膨胀。当下,这一现象被归因于神秘的暗能量。对此一种具有代表性的解释是,虚空中含有某种内在的且会将宇宙向外推的能量。广义相对论并不能制造出这样的能量,但是根据Park,暗能量能自然地从Hořava引力中涌现出来。
然而,Hořava理论离完美尚远。瑞士联邦技术研究所(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, EPFL)的量子引力研究者Diego Blas在仔细检查对太阳系的有关计算后已经发现了该理论的潜在缺陷。大多数物理学家研究了理想情形,例如,他们假设太阳和地球是球体。Blas解释说:“我们检验了一种更实际的情形,即认为太阳几乎是、但并不完全是球形。”在这两种情形中,广义相对论都能给出相同的答案。但是Hořava引力在现实情形下的结果则有极大的偏差。
与EPFL的Sergei M. Sibiryakov以及CERN的Oriol Pujolas一道,Blas将Hořava引力重新系统化,使它与广义相对论取得一致。Sibiryakov在九月份法国塔卢瓦尔的一次会议上展示了他们小组的模型。
CERN的一位量子引力专家Gia Dvali则对此保持谨慎。几年前,他为解释暗能量而使用了类似的技巧,亦即将时间和空间分离开来。但是他放弃了这个模型,因为它允许信息以超光速传播。
今天的音乐是现代音乐大师Boulez作于1997年的Anthemes 2(点此下载)。神奇的音响世界,妙不可言。它来自DG的唱片: