关于手征反常(chiral anomaly),我在之前的讨论中讲到了Fujikawa的工作,及其在强相互作用有效理论中的影响。
This is the note for the second half of my seminar talks on anomalies. At first, We explain very briefly the topological nature of the chiral anomaly. Then we investigate the theory of renormalization group (RG) from the viewpoint of anomalies. Basics of conformal transformations are introduced as necessary background knowledge. Then it is shown that the breaking of the scale invariance after quantization (scale anomaly) directly leads to the concept of RG. In particular, the famous Callan-Symanzik equation, which serves as a quantitative description of RG, is simply the anomalous Ward identity associated with scale anomaly. The QED beta function is also calculated at one-loop level from an evaluation of the scale anomaly.
1) A Brief Review of Chiral Anomaly
2) Anomaly and the Index Theorem
3) Conformal Transformation
4) Scale Anomaly and Renormalization Group
5) QED beta function from scale anomaly
[1] K. Fujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 21, 2848 (1980);
[2] B. A. Bertlmann: Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory, Oxford, 2000;
[3] P. D. Francesco et al: Conformal Field Theory, Springer, 1997;
[4] S. Coleman: Aspects of Symmetry, Cambridge, 1985;
[5] C. G. Callan: Phys. Rev. D 2, 1541(1970);
[6] K. Fujikawa & H. Suzuki: Path Integrals and Quantum Anomalies, Oxford, 2004
[*] 引自侯伯元、侯伯宇:《物理学家用微分几何》。请注意断句:物理学/家用微分几何。