Time and Location:
Time: Every Friday afternoon (1:30-4:55pm).
Teaching Building No.6B, Room.202, Tsinghua University.
Chapter 1. Why Gauge Field Theories (4-6hrs)
1.1. Why Quantum Field Theories: A Modern View
1.2. Why Gauge Field Theories
1.3. Vacuum Energy, Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy
1.4. Inflation as an Effective Theory
1.5. A Condensed Matter Application: Order Parameter
Chapter 2. Symmetries and Conservation Laws (4-6hrs)
2.1. Symmetries and Currents
2.2. Lorentz and Poincare Symmetries
2.3. Weyl, Majorana and Dirac Fermions
2.4. Finite Temperature Field Theory
2.5. Brief Review of Lie Groups
Chapter 3. Symmetries and Their Breaking (8-9hrs)
3.1. Global and Local Symmetries
3.2. Gauge Invariance and Geometry
3.3. Gravity as a Gauge Theory
3.4. Spontaneous Global Symmetry Breaking
3.5. Spontaneous Gauge Symmetry Breaking
3.6. Superconductivity as a Higgs Phenomenon
Chap.4. Path IntegralQuantization:Gauge Fields (6-8hrs)
4.1. Faddeev-Popov Quantization Method
4.2. BRST Symmetry and BRST Quantization
4.3. Ward-Takahashi and Slavnov-Taylor Identities
Chapter 5.Renormalization of Gauge Theories (11-13hr)
5.1. Renormalization Program
5.2. Renormalization Types and Regularization Schemes
5.3. Renormalizability and Gauge Invariance
5.4. Renormalization Group (RG)
5.5. Renormalization of Non-Abelian Gauge Theory at One-Loop
5.6. Asymptotic Freedom of Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
5.7. Background Field Method and Application to beta-Function
Chapter 6. Anomalies (4-6hrs)
6.1. Chiral Anomalies
6.2. Path Integral Formulation of Chiral Anomalies
6.3. Gauge Anomaly Cancellation Condition
6.4. Scale Anomaly
Chapter 7. Electroweak Standard Model & Beyond (12hr)
7.1. Structure of the Standard Model
7.2. The Standard Model Lagrangian
7.3. R_\xi Gauge Quantization and Feynman Rules
7.4. Higgs Mechanism and Equivalence Theorem
7.5. WW Scattering and Unitarity Bound
7.6. Radiative Corrections
7.7. Dark Matter and Particle Physics
Advanced Topics and Applications:
Standard Model: Electroweak Interaction, Neutrino Masses
Nonperturbative Aspects
Supersymmetry and Gauge Unification †
Perturbative Gravity †
Application to Cosmologies *
Applications to Condensed Matter Physics *