
波和量子【by Louis de Broglie】

(按:前两天开组会时说到了de Broglie。据某流传甚广的八卦称,de Broglie以两页纸的博士论文拿到了Nobel奖。这当然是误传。事实上他的博士论文很好找到,我从网上下载到的英文翻译有73页,因此原文几乎不可能是两页。倒是他在Nature上发表的文章只有1/3页,十分简洁,在今天看来应该是很好懂了。以下是一个大致的翻译,供有兴趣的同学参考。另外,从今天的观点看,物理专业的同学应该很容易找出文中的不少“错误”。但这其实并不意味着什么。相对于当初那些盖大楼的先辈而言,修正这些错误不过是搞搞装修罢了。)

Waves and Quanta

The quantum relation, energy=h

frequency, leads one to associate a periodical phenomenon with any isolated portion of matter or energy. An observer bound to the portion of matter will associate with it a frequency determined by its internal energy, namely, by its “mass at rest.” An observer for whom a portion of matter is in steady motion with velocity βc

, will see this frequency lower in consequence of the Lorentz-Einstein time transformation. I have been able to show (Comptes rendus, September 10 and 24, of the Paris Academy of Sciences) that the fixed observer will constantly see the internal periodical phenomenon in phase with a wave the frequency of which 
  is determined by the quantum relation using the whole energy of the moving body------provided that it is assumed that the wave spreads with the velocity c/β

. This wave, the velocity of which is greater than c

, cannot carry energy.
量子关系,即能量=h ×





A radiation of frequency ν

has to be considered as divided into atoms of light of very small internal mass (<
gm.) which move with a velocity very nearly equal to c

given by 
. The atom of light slides slowly upon the non-material wave the frequency of which is ν

and velocity c/β

, very little higher than c





The “phase wave” has a very great importance in determining the motion of any moving body, and I have been able to show that the stability conditions of the trajectories in Bohr’s atom express that the wave is tuned with the length of the closed path.

The path of a luminous atom is no longer straight when this atom crosses a narrow opening; that is, diffraction. It is then necessary

to give up the inertia principle, and we must suppose that any moving body follows always the ray of its “phase wave”; its path will then bend by passing through a sufficiently small aperture. Dynamics must undergo the same evolution that optics has undergone when undulation took the place of purely geometrical optics. Hypotheses based upon those of the wave theory allowed us to explain interferences and diffraction fringes. By means of these new ideas, it will probably be possible to reconcile also diffusion and dispersion with the discontinuity of light, and to solve almost all the problems brought up by quanta.



Paris, September 12.


